Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Remembering the recent book that I just finished reading a week ago, I just can’t help but think about my life. Me before you is a fiction book which in general tackles about how you should live your life despite your doubts, fear, limited possessions, lack of confidence to pursue your passions and ofcourse, letting go of someone you really love. It’s a story where I can relate my life in...
Continue ReadingSaturday, June 18, 2016
Over the years, I’ve encountered different circumstances in my life that somehow changed my perception on things or people around me. I always thought having so much around you, like gadgets, clothes, shoes, bags and all the good stuffs in the world regardless of its worth are what matter most. Same goes with having plenty of friends, I’m always thinking that if you have countless of peers...
Continue ReadingThursday, June 16, 2016
When was the last time you glanced at the sky and appreciate its beauty? This afternoon, when heaven was on its golden hour, I can’t help myself but stared at it. Once again, it was at its finest. Sunset never fails to amaze me. If there will be something I will never get tired of seeing, it would be between the sun kissing the day goodbye and the night coming in. it’s just the...
Continue ReadingSaturday, June 11, 2016
Have you ever had that dream that you are going to die? And thank Goodness because you were able to wake up before you see yourself in a coffin where people would look at you and feel compassionate about you. Aww. What a nightmare! Death is just a scary word to me. This morning I just had that kind of dream. I was in a scenario where I’m surrounded by people I knew but I haven’t met yet i...
Continue ReadingWednesday, June 8, 2016

I'll look back on this because it was life and I decided to live it. Summer time is ending and I'm still daydreaming of beaches so might as well I share my pieces of adventure to different shorelines I had months ago. Last year, I got a job that allowed me to explore more places in our country. It was the best job I ever had yet anyway. It brought me to places I didn’t know exist. And...
Continue ReadingSaturday, June 4, 2016
In this generation despite of all the cruelties happening around us now, there are still some things that make me feel grateful about. And those talented and creative people who come up with these brilliant ideas leave me in awe. The stuffs listed below are mostly my companion when I’m alone or sometimes when I wanted to escape once in a while from reality and contemplate. Coffee Who...
Continue ReadingThursday, June 2, 2016
Be who you are. Stay as you are. Be YOU. Don’t pretend to be someone else.BE YOURSELF ALWAYS. And the list goes on. These are just some of the words you hear from people who give you advice when you try to please someone, make them happy and atleast sway them to like you. In this generation where a lot of people particularly women or young ladies trying to stand out among others,...
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